The Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) Diet 101

The Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) Diet 101

The autoimmune protocol (AIP) diet was created by Dr. Sarah Ballantyne as one possible answer to battling autoimmune conditions. The basic function of the diet is to do three main things: reduce inflammation in the body, encourage a normal functioning of the immune...
15 Tips to Make Starting a Paleo Diet Easy

15 Tips to Make Starting a Paleo Diet Easy

Starting a new diet and lifestyle is not always easy – in fact, it can be pretty tough. I know that when I switched to paleo years ago, it was challenging for me – I didn’t know where to start, didn’t know what to eat, and was overwhelmed by...
How to Eat Paleo on a Budget

How to Eat Paleo on a Budget

I won’t lie to you – sometimes it is difficult to eat paleo on a budget. I mean, sometimes it’s hard to eat healthy in general on a budget, let alone paleo, which does place an emphasis on high-quality foods. Unfortunately in our country, it’s much cheaper (and...

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