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Mental & Emotional Aspects of Healing Autoimmunity

This is Part 2 of our "Total Wellness Pyramid" series, where we discuss my philosophy for achieving total wellness through Physical and Lifestyle, Mental and Emotional, and Spiritual wellbeing tips. In this post, we'll be discussing the second "level" of the pyramid:...

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Introducing the Total Wellness Pyramid

One thing that I think it’s important to understand, and that I try to talk about throughout all of my posts here on Instinctual Wellbeing, is that wellness isn’t just one thing. It’s not just following the AIP diet, or just taking your supplements, getting an...

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The Emotional Meanings Behind 10 Autoimmune Conditions

It is my belief that a physical showing of symptoms is actually the last stage of the disease process. This obviously contradicts the modern medical system, which holds that symptoms are the first indications of a disease formation. However, in many Eastern...

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Paleo-friendly Restaurants in Kansas City

If you’re looking for AIP or paleo-friendly restaurants in Kansas City, you’ve come to the right place. While my wife and I now live in Chicago, I lived in Kansas City for about 15 years and my wife was actually born there, so most of our “Paleo upbringing” was spent...

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What Does “Self Love” Really Mean?

Recently we hear all the time about this concept of "self-love." Heck, I even have an entire downloadable dedicated to it! But when it comes down to it: Do we really understand fully what self-love is? Or is it simply a buzz term that we are getting mildly tired of...

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New Website Launch Day Giveaway!

I'm so excited to announce my brand-new website and updated brand here at Instinctual Wellbeing! This has been a project long in the making, so it's an accomplishment that I'm proud to share with you all. Before I get into the giveaway details, I wanted to just...

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I Completed a 5-day Media Detox: Here’s How It Went

Oh, boy - what a week. I just finished participating in a challenge from Tim Ferris’s book, The 4-hour Workweek, which was to go on a “Low Information Diet” / Media Detox for 5 straight days. This book has been around for more than a decade, but I just got around to...

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10 Positive Affirmations For Healing Chronic Illness

Chances are, you’re familiar with positive affirmations. These are a form of positive self-talk using phrases to help establish and reinforce a positive mindset in ourselves and our lives. A very simple example is “I am loved,” but you will soon discover through this...

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Keeping up with @Mr_and_Mrs_Jones

As I sat there on a cold February morning, drinking my tea and scrolling through Instagram and Facebook, I found myself feeling angry. My inner self was restless, unaccommodating and irritated. Yet, I couldn’t put my finger on it. Overall I just felt this weight...

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The Joy of Being AIP at the Holidays

Being AIP and managing an autoimmune condition can be…well, interesting You never know where a secret allergen may be hiding via GIPHY   Or what enlightening conversations you may have about your diet with your second cousin, Jerry via GIPHY   Sometimes it seems like...

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Perspective: The Secret Ingredient to Healing Autoimmunity

I recently returned from my honeymoon vacation in Hawaii. It was an amazing time full of fun, adventure, great food, picturesque panoramic views, and relaxation. I could truly write a whole post just on how splendid this place is, but for now, hopefully a few pictures...

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Using the Seasons to Help us Heal

We’re just a short 7 days away from the first day of Fall (for 2017), so I thought it would be fun to talk a little bit about the seasons and how we can use their different energies to our advantage when healing autoimmunity.   Fall has always been my favorite season...

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Why Women Have More Autoimmune Diseases Than Men

It’s a well-recorded fact that autoimmune conditions disproportionately affect women; in fact, 78-80% of those with autoimmune conditions are women. It’s also true though that nobody is 100% sure why this is. As a man who blogs about autoimmunity, I notice this...

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Managing Your Highs with Autoimmunity

Once, a wise woman (aka Angie Alt) advised me to learn how to “manage my highs.” This came about during a conversation where I was explaining how I often have troubles with my autoimmunity because whenever I start to feel even slightly better, I go from ‘zero to hero’...

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Shedding The Autoimmune Mindset [GUEST POST]

This guest post comes from my super talented and awesome friend, Olivia. She has come so far on her healing journey, and I believe she truly embodies the message of Instinctual Wellbeing; that you CAN heal yourself, transform your life, and reclaim the health and...

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How I Transitioned From Vegan to Paleo

If you're thinking about migrating your diet from vegetarian or vegan to paleo/AIP, you may be experiencing a lot of hesitation and even mental upset about your decision. It can be a tough switch to go from not eating meat to eating a diet that tends to make meat a...

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Are We Holding Ourselves Back From Being Well?

A month or so ago, I was reading a book and it brought up a super interesting and unique point that really stopped me in my tracks and made me think a great deal. It asserted that “being sick” is a choice, and that we make this [subconscious] choice to engage in...

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5 Messages I Love from the Autoimmune Wellness Handbook

Recently I had the pleasure of previewing an advanced copy of Mickey Trescott and Angie Alt’s new book, The Autoimmune Wellness Handbook. Not only does this book leverage gorgeous photography and book layout design to help address critical lifestyle elements as well...

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10 Signs It May be Adrenal Fatigue

I’ve recently recovered from a prolonged bout of severe adrenal fatigue and I’m not gonna lie, it was pretty miserable. It affected all aspects of my life and in many ways made me feel like I had undone much of the progress I had made over the past few years in...

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Taking Back Control Of Your Health

Are you in the driver’s seat of your own life? Do you feel like you have control of managing your health? For many of us, the answer may be “no.” Oftentimes, we hop from doctor to doctor, hoping that someone will tell us what is truly going on with our bodies and what...

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Identifying Your Body’s Check Engine Lights

The check engine light (otherwise known as the “ugh what now” light) is often times the first indication that something is wrong with our car. It’s also a light that we often times ignore, because we’re afraid of what it could mean for our poor little car. I know this...

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Where Have You Been, Mitch!?

Just as bears are known to hibernate for up to 7.5 months during the winter, I have just emerged from a deep blogging hibernation that lasted through the summer. Why, you ask? Great question. Allow me to explain a little bit about where I’ve been and what I’ve been up...

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15 Confessions of an AIP-er

Well folks, as our “PSA Week” comes to a close, I wanted to go out with a bang, by telling you some of my “AIP confessions”. But first, if you aren’t familiar with the PSA we’ve been doing the past week (or even if you are), allow me to get you up to speed by...

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Healing Autoimmunity: A Guide to Self-Love

It's no secret nowadays that healing autoimmune conditions goes beyond just food and lifestyle. I recently wrote a post about this phenomenon called "The Other 20%" in which I talk through my observations regarding the more emotional side of healing, and there's also...

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The ‘Other 20%’ to Healing Autoimmunity

It’s story time, everyone. This is a concept I've been wanting to talk about for a while now, but was trying to find the words to do so. I'm going to take you deeper into my journey in the following posts, but right now I just wanted to begin by giving you an overview...

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Infographic: The Benefits of Water

Ah, water . . . one of the most powerful elements on earth. It can take on three different states (liquid, solid, gas), has the power to heal, hydrate and destroy, covers about 70% of our planet and also makes up about 70% of our bodies (cool coincidence? I think...

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Nutritional Healing Tedx Talk Video Post

This is going to sound slightly promotional for a moment so please excuse me, but the purpose of this website is to share knowledge, so whether that be my own knowledge, a guest blogger's knowledge, or an external website's knowledge, I want to share those resources...

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